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Nous souhaitons apporter la preuve que les avis publiés sur Custplace sont d’authentiques avis de clients BSB – Burgundy School of Business.

Nous nous assurons ainsi de la fiabilité des avis.

Burgundy School of Business, campus de Dijon

As international student I have studied in 2 other ...

As international student I have studied in 2 other universities in Italy and Brazil and there is just no match: I used to pay half of what I am currently paying for a two times better service and education. And beyond that, most of my classmates and almost everyone I met at school (both international and french students) have been complaining about the poor quality of the school itself, in all its aspects. They just leverage the region name “burgundy” and the “triple AMBA accreditation” to sell themselves but in the end those are just empty words and titles. The truth is that the school is not worth either the money nor the time that you waste there. Go out and look for something better.

Par Saverio il y a 1 mois
Expérience prouvée le 17/04/2024