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Honestly, save your money.

Honestly, save your money.

Now that I've graduated from ABS, I realize I shouldn't have invested in that school.

Here's why :

- Some professors at ABS are amazing, and extremely qualified to be teaching to university students and I am lucky to have been part of their class. But most of the time, professors at ABS do not seem to know what they're doing, and they are just horrible with dealing with students and well, teaching.

- The administration. It became quite a joke between students, because we knew how ineffective and unhelpful they were. If you're an international student, they won't help you much, just give you general information, you're on your own.

- At the end of my studies, the rules at ABS became quite ridiculous. The vice provost had read an article that students were more efficient when they took notes with a pen, on paper, instead of using their computer. Therefore, laptops were not allowed in class anymore. Is this high school ? If we are paying 40k for a diploma, we should be allowed to use our computers whenever we want to. This also shows mistrust coming from teachers.

- Speaking of computers, don't try using the ones from the library. They are painfully snow, and it will take you hours to print something.

But most importantly, here's why I don't recommend this school, if you care about your future. Even though ABS has some connections with companies, the jobs they offer you won't get you far. I managed to find a part-time job while I was studying at ABS but that's it. When I finished my studies, my diploma was not recognized by recruiters, and basically had no value. And when I did manage to get a job, I realized that I was underprepared for what the company was asking from me. I had to learn everything on my own. I am now starting my Master's degree, because a Bachelor's degree at ABS is not enough to get me a good, well-paying job in the future. ABS doesn't do alternances (apprenticeships) while studying, only end of study internships or unpaid internships during your school year. Which is a huge loss of opportunity, if you ask me.

The positive sides :
- You will meet a lot of people, from all over the world, which is amazing.
- You have class 2/3 days per week.
- Some professors are actually quite nice and qualified.

Other than that, save your money and choose a renowned school instead of ABS, like HEC, Edhec or Skema, at least you know you will have a recognized diploma at the end, and a career waiting for you.

Par Marie M. il y a 1 an
Expérience prouvée le 31/12/2021

Hello Marie,

We appreciate your feedback and understand your concerns.

The American Business School of Paris allows professors to determine whether the use of computers is relevant in their class. Research has suggested that taking notes by hand can benefit for students as it can improve comprehension and retention in the long-term.

As for the cost of your education, we acknowledge that it is a significant investment. ABSParis is the 1st intercultural business school in France to offer 100% English courses, and to reward students with internationally recognized diplomas.

Please feel free to visit our website regarding our accreditations and recognition:

Finally, the end-of-studies internships allow students to prepare for the business worldwhile allowing them to put into practice the knowledge they have acquired throughout their studies. Our career development department is actively assisting students in finding part-time jobs and/or internships.

Have a nice day,

The ABS Paris Team


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