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Let's be constructive. Whatever the engineering school attended, if you are not at least smart, curi

Let's be constructive. Whatever the engineering school attended, if you are not at least smart, curious and professional, you will not be given these qualities by magic. The qualities of an engineer, his personal and interpersonal skills are not given by the school or its name, but rather by his background, his educational and career paths, all the things he has learned and actively , smartly observed to grow, using his capacities to be a constant learner, putting himself constantly in a challenging mode for his own development. CESI , with a specific cursus among others, helps people who didn't have the chance to embrasse ''normal'' cursus for any reason, to resume their development toward the engineer degree with comprehensive lessons and projects conducted in real life or sandwich-courses supported by most of the majors. A Cesi engineer, providing intrasec qualities of the individual, can be very challenging for other engineers of more renowned school, providing higher heads-up view, with more complete point of view weighted by human values. Those relying just on a school and its name to be a good engineer are not on the good path.

Par Anthony Serment il y a 7 ans
Date d'expérience le 18/04/2017

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