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Extremely slow in replying

Expertissim offers beautiful objects, but their whole system is an absolute mess, to receive an estimation of the shipping charge for a chair, from France to Milan in Italy ( not to Tahiti ), took 18 days, without a clear understanding of how the chair would be packed, and above all when the chair would be shipped ( wording on the offer : " as soon as possible " ) and how long it would take to finally receive it in Italy.
All this could still be acceptable ( there is a good reason why Europe is falling behind the rest of the world ), were it not for the " Supreme Sin " : THEY ~ DON'T ~ ANSWER ~ EMAILS, and if they do, it can easily take 10 days to receive a reply.
Dealing with these kind of companies is extremely tiring, may I suggest that you let go a few of those " 55 Experts " that you employ, and with the savings you get 2 or 3 people who reply to emails properly as it should be, on the next day and not whenever it's comfy for you : just a reminder, WE are the customers ( not you ), you may have gotten confused along the way.

Par W123 il y a 7 ans

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