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Can improve

The teachers are good, but the way the classes are organised isn't great. Since everything is mandatory, students don't go to class because they're motivated and want to learn, but rather because they're forced. This creates an attitude of studying because I have to and not because I like what I do. Moreover, this completely disregards the fact that some students learn more at home. Since the schooldays are so long they can't adapt their way of studying.

There is little to no feedback throughout the course. Even if there are exams or QCMs, at most we get the grade, but not the exam. This is motivated by suggesting that students who do well will stop working hard if they see their grades, without taking into account that the students who struggle never see what they've missed. Also, the results are often given months after the exam. There should be a limit of 3 weeks.

Par Olivia il y a 2 ans
Expérience prouvée le 11/02/2022

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