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Nightmare, horrible Booking N°604965329 in Tulip Appartment Hotel Dubai

Really shocked about what happened with my AGODA reservation 604965329 in Tulip Appartment Hotel Dubai. The 2 bedrooms were full of coakcroaches, I spent 3 hours on the phone. Nobody helped me from Agoda. I had to reallocate myself and find a new hotel room. This is just not fair. They proposed me 25% of compensation. That's just not acceptable to be treated like that not respecting the time I spent on this calling Dubai Police and municipality and finally Agoda not providing any help. I don't want your 42 USD compensation, I'm not a beggarman!

Please find attached what I experienced in a hotel rated 7.3 (Very good). Good luck for the next customers. Deserves 0.

Par Antony Giovannangeli il y a 2 ans
Date d'expérience le 13/11/2021

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