Lire tous les avis Camping Sandaya Domaine du Verdon Castellane Camping Sandaya Domaine du Verdon Castellane
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Camping Sandaya Domaine du Verdon Castellane

Although Domaine du Verdon is in an excellent location & on arrival the reception staff were most he

Although Domaine du Verdon is in an excellent location & on arrival the reception staff were most helpful, there were a few things that really let the camp site down.
On arrival the linen provided for the beds was of a very poor standard & we had to seek replacements.
The snack bar amenities that were supposed to be available were non-existent during the whole of our stay. When we enquired as to what take-away services were available we were told that the restaurant would accommodate us, but when you went to the restaurant they said they did not provide such services. It was not just ourselves who found this frustrating many people arrived late afternoon after long journeys looking for the take away food service that was supposed to be available only to find no such service available.
Also after a couple of visits to the bar area it put us off going there completely. At the bar itself just dirty glasses all over the bar, empty glasses left on vacated tables & once they were removed (30 mins plus generally) no cleaning of the tables. Did we learn nothing from COVID.

Par Philip il y a 9 mois
Expérience prouvée le 08/08/2023

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