Lire tous les avis Camping Sandaya Les Amis de la Plage Le Bois-Plage-en-Ré Camping Sandaya Les Amis de la Plage Le Bois-Plage-en-Ré
Avis sollicité par Custplace

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Camping Sandaya Les Amis de la Plage Le Bois-Plage-en-Ré

Very disappointed about limited access to the beach. It was a long way from my plot over undulating

Very disappointed about limited access to the beach. It was a long way from my plot over undulating paths and over soft sand which meant it was too difficult to carry windsurf or watersports kit to the water. The pitches were uneven and unsuitable for people with mobility problems. One of our group fell over twice and I injured his knee and his wife who needs a wheelchair was confined to their Motorhome. The restaurant only served a very limited menu relying mostly on pizzas and salad bowls. Considering the price of the pitches, the wifi should have been included. Wifi was outrageously expensive. I booked online on behalf of a group and we were not asked if any of us had ACSI. Subsequently we found out we could have had a reduction as several of us had ACSI membership. The reception staff were not very helpful and were inefficient. A number of our group were so unhappy they left early. All told reception of their plans and had informed reception of their departure but I received a phone call from the campsite a few days after I had left as they had not noted who had left.

Par Mary il y a 10 mois
Expérience prouvée le 12/07/2023

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