Lire tous les avis Camping Sandaya Riviera d'Azur Saint-Aygulf Camping Sandaya Riviera d'Azur Saint-Aygulf
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Camping Sandaya Riviera d'Azur Saint-Aygulf

Tap on the small vanity sink so stiff it felt like it would break repeatedly reported but told that?

Tap on the small vanity sink so stiff it felt like it would break repeatedly reported but told that?s as good as it gets. Sewerage coming out of manhole maintenance came and went I spent an hour with a stick and hose pipe down 3 manholes clearing obstructions with gloves removing baby wipes which came from an Irish family further up the line. Had to put towels over the manhole to stop sewerage from going under the awning. The Animation team was brilliant and helpful and chatty.

Par Geoffrey il y a 6 mois
Expérience prouvée le 17/10/2023

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