Lire tous les avis Camping Sandaya Riviera d'Azur Saint-Aygulf Camping Sandaya Riviera d'Azur Saint-Aygulf
Avis sollicité par Custplace

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Camping Sandaya Riviera d'Azur Saint-Aygulf

There are many positives. Friendly staff and relaxing atmosphere. Good campsite pitches.

There are many positives. Friendly staff and relaxing atmosphere. Good campsite pitches. Campsite situated close to main motorways, which makes it easy to go on trips to Nice, Cannes, Monaco, Sainte-Maxime, Gorges du Verdon etc. Bakery and supermarket within walking distance. Free shuttle bus to the beach at Saint-Agulf. The animation team is full of energy and very customer-focused.

Some investments would make the campsite even greater. The basketball court is too worn down, and the fitness area is virtually non-existent. Further, there is not enough space at the main swimming pool to accommodate all the guests. Opening the pool area for adults for families with children for perhaps just a couple of hours a day or on some days would help.

The campsite could be better at informing guests about especially power outages, lack of water. Perhaps via push messages in the app or on Facebook etc.

Par Hansen il y a 8 mois
Expérience prouvée le 21/08/2023

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