Lire tous les avis Camping Sandaya Soulac Plage Soulac-sur-Mer Camping Sandaya Soulac Plage Soulac-sur-Mer
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Camping Sandaya Soulac Plage Soulac-sur-Mer

We spent the final 3 nights of our holiday at Sandaya Soulac Plage,

We spent the final 3 nights of our holiday at Sandaya Soulac Plage, we were really excited about it being a relaxing and somewhat luxurious experience but the site wasn?t quite as nice as we expected.
The safari tent lodge we stayed in was absolutely beautiful, really nicely furnished and well equipped. However the site is crammed, our lodge actually overlapped poles with our neighbours meaning our bedrooms were almost touching, we could hear their conversations very clearly, luckily we had respectful quiet neighbours but the lack of space was a negative for us and we haven?t stayed on such a cramped site before.
The pool was disappointing; the website states heated outdoor pools, true, but it isn?t clear that only SOME of the pools are heated and a large amount of the pool is not. This meant the heated pools were busy and obviously in September the unheated parts were deserted. The baby pool, and slides are in the unheated part. Some of the decking in the pool area was warped and had stagnant water with a cone to warn of slippery surfaces, this didn?t create the beautiful relaxing atmosphere portrayed in the pictures which instead featured hanging chairs!
We enjoyed our stay but would do more research next time, such as checking if ALL pools heated or just some.

Par Claire il y a 7 mois
Expérience prouvée le 24/09/2023

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