Lire tous les avis CESI - Ecole d’ingénieur Enseignement supérieur Formations en alternance Informatique & Numérique, BTP, RH & Management, Industrie CESI - Ecole d’ingénieur Enseignement supérieur Formations en alternance Informatique & Numérique, BTP, RH & Management, Industrie

To my fellow international students :

To my fellow international students :
CESI is a unique school with its system that focuses on the practical aspect of engineering without reducing the value of the theory.
In my opinion, this way of teaching is more adapted to my future career as an engineer. Yes, it has flaws like every educational institute but makes up for them with the rare opportunities it gives to its students. Most notably its 3-year apprenticeship program. A great way to give young students like me an early taste of company experience.

Probably the only negative point that comes to mind, that should be improved is student life. As international students, we might be used to schools that are more invested in sports, arts, or other hobbies. Here it is purely based on students' motivation in creating and maintaining certain associations, that in most cases have failed.

Finally, it is important to note, the staff makes sure that students get integrated smoothly and understand the system.

If you want a change and a new challenge CESI could be the school for you :)

Par Nicolas il y a 1 an
Date d'expérience le 04/12/2022


Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de partager votre avis !

L'équipe CESI. 

Par CESI - Ecole d’ingénieur Enseignement supérieur Formations en alternance Informatique & Numérique, BTP, RH & Management, Industrie CESI - Ecole d’ingénieur Enseignement supérieur Formations en alternance Informatique & Numérique, BTP, RH & Management, Industrie il y a 1 an

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