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I payed 10€ for no food and getting angry [Résolu]

NEVER USE THIS WEBPAGE. Its the worst experience and service i ever had in my life. I was in my place when the food arrived, and they didn't show up. My phone turned off because i have problems with my battery (iPhone issues..) but they never appeared at my door. At the end when my phone turned on. 4 minutes after the STA they send me a message saying thay the biker was gone.. in resume i called the customer service for seeing what can i do and they told me that they reimbursed half of the price of my food. At the end I PAYED 10€ for a disgusting service and now im hungry and without food. DELIVEROO IS REALLY BAD USE FOODORA.

Je payez 10€ pour un service mauvais et pour rester sans repas...

Par Manuel Alejandro Pérez il y a 6 ans
Hello Manuel,

Thank you for your message,

We have just contacted you privately about it.

Yours truly.
Par L'équipe D. il y a 6 ans

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