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Left alone with 750EUR bill for 20km

OuiCar let me alone and let the owner rent me a car that break down after 20km. They let the owner take the money of the rental and the money of the garantee. GetAround is a way better option as OuiCar leave you alone and refuse to arbitrate between the party. I let the Karma hits this company. I continue to fight for my money back in justice.

Par Benjamin Almecija il y a 1 an
Date d'expérience le 02/01/2023

Bonjour Benjamin,
Après vérification, je vous confirme un remboursement intégral de votre location d'ici à 3 jours ouvrés.

Par OuiCar OuiCar il y a 1 an
Don’t believe the answer. Now 4 working days past, they just reintegrated me the money they were not supposed to take. I financed them 400EUR for the closing month of the year. Bad practice to cover bad accounting. I’m still expecting the rest of the rent as promised.
Par Benjamin Almecija il y a 1 an

Bonjour Benjamin, 

Il y a 14 jours, vous ne parliez pas de la caution mais du remboursement partiel de votre location. 

Enfin, il s'agit ici de la caution qui est débloqué 5 jours après la fin de la location. Votre location se terminant le 28/12, je vous confirme son déblocage. 

Par OuiCar OuiCar il y a 1 an
Hi Benjamin,
I'm in the same situation, ouicar does not refund my deposit of 400 euros. Did u get yours? Thanks for telling me, Adrian
Par Adrian Garcia-Landa il y a 1 an

Hi Adrian,
The bond was released on January 22, 2023. 

I invite you to get closer to your bank in order to have explanations on this subject because on our side the necessary has been done. 

Par OuiCar OuiCar il y a 1 an
Hi OuiCar,

thanks, but you told me the 23rd and 24th january 2023 that the bond was released on the 15th. Now it's different, the bond was released the 22nd. So has the bond been released twice? Why is that necessary? And how come a bond can be released, but not reimbursed? So that means there is a 3rd party withholding the bond? Is that a public accusation you are making?

How can you contradict yourself, how is that credible? It is so hard to have confidence in OuiCar, I'm terribly sorry for you, because the car owners have always been ok. You are letting people down and not taking responsibility, but as it seems, taking only money.

Par Adrian Garcia-Landa il y a 1 an
Hi OuiCar,

thanks, but you told me the 23rd and 24th january 2023 that the bond was released on the 15th. Now it's different, the bond was released the 22nd. So has the bond been released twice? Why is that necessary? And how come a bond can be released, but not reimbursed? So that means there is a 3rd party withholding the bond? Is that a public accusation you are making?

How can you contradict yourself, how is that credible? It is so hard to have confidence in OuiCar, I'm terribly sorry for you, because the car owners have always been ok. You are letting people down and not taking responsibility, but as it seems, taking only money.

Par Adrian Garcia-Landa il y a 1 an

Bonjour Adrian, 

Ce sera mon dernier message, car je vous ai déjà informé de la date du déblocage de votre caution et une preuve vous a été envoyé également par mail. 


Par OuiCar OuiCar il y a 1 an
Vu le nombre de gens se plaignent de la même pratique abusive de prélèvement de caution je suis moins et moins optimist pour mes prélèvements effectués par ouicar. Une bonne lettre recommandée avec AR se prépare
Par Tgv il y a 1 an
Bonjour TGV, svp contactez moi à l'adresse [email protected], j'étais dans la même situation que vous. Merci ! Adrian
Par Adrian Garcia-Landa il y a 1 an

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