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Samsung is Bullshit

On 31/01/2021, I bought an 08,55 inch UA55TU8000U TV for 800$.

I chose this model following the advice of your salesperson who had praised its robustness and because it was guaranteed parts and labor.

However, only a few handful uses later, the TV suddenly stopped working. After having carried out the checks and manipulations requested by your after-sales service, the problem could not be resolved.

The object being out of warranty, I phoned again to the after-sales service to ask for a replacement, but the latter categorically refuses, because according to them the breakdown would result from an abnormal use of the TV, and this, without ever having seen it...

I strongly contest this conclusion, the TV has always been used according to the recommendations of the user's manual and it is up to you to bring the proof of the contrary.

It's a TV that I gifted my parents, and just a few months after the warranty has stopped working. It has disappointed me knowing that I am a loyal Samsung customer since I have a lot of Samsung devices at home that work great but this series manufactured in Egypt is subject to many complaints, if the problem comes from a false manipulation or a physical breakage I will assume total responsibility.
However, your authorized dealer fixed it on the wall and since then it has never moved and after a few months it broke down. Note that your EMEA management totally refuses to acknowledge our complaints under the excuse that Korean products are rigid and they only follow the processes. Moreover we are being treated in a disrespectful manner since the situation does not affect them and they do not even take the effort to offer repair or any other solution that suits both parties although I am personally favorable to a complete exchange of the product in question because I am not at ease about using this series that has been manufactured in Egypt and that are subject to several reports. From my experience I also believe that your customer service is very average, my personal experience as a loyal customer with houses equipped with your products has been a total fail.

The condition of the TV is still new and I am requesting a replacement of the same brand. I would hate nothing more than to interrupt the relationship with a company that i value and have been in admiration for years. Frankly these past months have been an absolute nightmare with the Aftercare Service for all the parties involved (my parents and my self).

Therefore, I put you on notice to take the necessary measures and to proceed with the change with a similar object of equal or greater value.

Par Tabit il y a 1 an
Date d'expérience le 29/11/2022

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