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From the beginning nothing but lies. Incompetent,never ...

From the beginning nothing but lies. Incompetent,never answer to Mails, take money from your Bank without any explaination what for. You get no help what So ever. I was told, they Set up everything to get english TV. TV came 3 weeks late by currier, no SFR to Set it up. Finally paid someone to do so , 900 channels, not ONE ENGLISH CHANNEL. And for that I pay 53 Euro a month. Impossible to complain, one is helplessly in the Hands of Gangsters. They took over 400 Euro from my Bankaccount for 5 days of TV watching. Totally untrustworthy . I don't know why they are still allowed to operate in France.

Par Christel Hale il y a 6 mois
Date d'expérience le 15/10/2023

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