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Tryba Bonne


I experienced a few problems on this occasion: 1) final landing window shape was not as drawn and planned with the commercial contact. the initial error appearing on the devis. i was remiss in signing the devis but since i had drawn the exact shape to scale on my wall i had trusted that it had been translated accurately. 2) final bedroom window had a higher pvc to glass ratio than other similar tryba windows in the house, whilst the size of the opening was the same as for the other windows. no comprehensible explanation given for why the bedroom window should have been sub-optimal when all assurances had been the spec would be exactly the same to match the other windows. 3) changing advice on whether the landing window could be fixed to the exterior of the wall. final agreement that it would be fitted to the exterior but the fitters then fitted it inbetween the interior and exterior leaving an unharmonious facade to the house. they had to return to fit it to the exterior as agreed. there was no satisfactory recognition of the problems experienced eg discount.

Par il y a 5 ans

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