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I have never met with such rudeness and poor customer ...

I have never met with such rudeness and poor customer service. The showroom was closed despite a sign giving it’s opening hours, I sent an email via the website and received a standard acknowledgment but 6 days later had received no reply. Went back to the showroom and could see someone was in the building but the door was locked. Rang the bell twice and he eventually opened. He kept telling us how expensive they were and asking how much we wanted to spend. We kept asking for a quote and that we wanted good quality at a good price, he said that wasn’t possible to do! Just kept repeating the expense and asking for our budget. We commented on the showroom being closed a week ago and he said well he was on his own and has to go out and claimed he had received no email. In the end his rudeness and attitude made us walk out. This has potentially lost him a lot of business as we have a whole large house to do and outbuildings.

Date d'expérience le 16/06/2020

Dear Poppy, we are sorry for the problems encountered and we sincerely apologize for this. We take note of your remark and forward it to the persons concerned. We wish you a good continuation for your project, as well as a nice day.
The Tryba Consumer Service

Par TRYBA TRYBA il y a 3 ans

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