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For over a month VC is not releasing my payments, close ...

For over a month VC is not releasing my payments, close to 10k € by now,with all kind of shameless tricks :keep asking me to verify my account, I've sent copies of my Id 2 times, nothing happened. Then the Get Paid verification page on the app went blank, doesn't work; on the website it gives error message before I could even try.I contacted VC via chat -because they don't even have a phone line anymore -,and sent photos of my Id and passport 5!!! times. Every agent promised to help then disappeared and did nothing.
Very surprisingly every other function works perfectly on the app-only the verification doesn't. It looks very much like a disgusting scheme -please release my payments immediately or I will have to contact the police and a lawyer. Thank you indeed -one of my sold items : 14928824

Par Paris il y a 3 ans
Date d'expérience le 24/03/2021

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