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ISI IS THE BEEEEST FOR THE BEST! Before attending, I had an interest in fashion but no idea as to wh

ISI IS THE BEEEEST FOR THE BEST! Before attending, I had an interest in fashion but no idea as to what went on in the industry beyond retail stores and runway shows, much less how I might fit into the equation. While enrolled in their Fashion Merchandising program I worked a fashion internship at Who's next - the major trade show in Paris, interned for many wholesale fashion companies, and networked with amazing people in the industry who continue to inspire me and open the door for new career opportunities today! ISI also helped me immensely with writing and perfecting my resume - which has helped me work in places I could only dream of being a part of before - and with finding my place in the industry I love and now want to be a part of for the rest of my life!

Par Ana il y a 7 ans
Date d'expérience le 02/04/2017

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