Lire tous les avis Camping Sandaya La Ribeyre Murol Camping Sandaya La Ribeyre Murol
Camping Sandaya La Ribeyre Murol

8 We enjoyed our stay but were disappointed about the swimwear rules in the pool. We had boardshort

8 We enjoyed our stay but were disappointed about the swimwear rules in the pool. We had boardshort style swimwear & sun vests with us - which is standard swim/beach wear and were not permitted in the pool. If this is such a strongly enforced rule it should really be clear at the point of booking so guests can come prepared - without this it feels like a rather cynical attempt to sell overpriced swim wear in the campsite shop. Given the amount of signs about this in both the pool area & reception I assume this is a much complained about situation which could be easily rectified with better pre-arrival information

Par Catherine il y a 6 mois
Expérience prouvée le 25/08/2024

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