Lire tous les avis Camping Sandaya L'Anse du Brick Maupertus-Sur-Mer Camping Sandaya L'Anse du Brick Maupertus-Sur-Mer
Camping Sandaya L'Anse du Brick Maupertus-Sur-Mer

All good. The receptionist was nice and helpful. The accommodation was clean and modern. The parking

All good. The receptionist was nice and helpful. The accommodation was clean and modern. The parking is a bit chaotic and muddy as the grass start wearing off due to the intense traffic and there was no mop in the caravan but we managed to clean without it. Site was nice and quiet and the surroundings were great. All in one a great experience and I would highly recommend this place. We stayed one weekend in sept and we didn

Par Cosmin il y a 5 mois
Expérience prouvée le 03/10/2024

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