Lire tous les avis Camping Sandaya L'Anse du Brick Maupertus-Sur-Mer Camping Sandaya L'Anse du Brick Maupertus-Sur-Mer
Camping Sandaya L'Anse du Brick Maupertus-Sur-Mer

The area allocated for caravans and motor-homes is limited, The higher road is not too bad but the

The area allocated for caravans and motor-homes is limited, The higher road is not too bad but the lower road is difficult to access and to exit. It is dark with high trees on one side and a high bank on the other. There are two flights of stairs up to the toilet. When you arrive at the site there is nowhere to park while getting booked in without blocking the entrance. The one way exit round the back of a restaurant was in atrocious condition and joins on to a narrow steep road with a sharp right turn.
Its really a mobile home site now, not suitable for camping.
The staff were very helpful and the takeaway was good.

Par Anthony il y a 5 mois
Expérience prouvée le 06/10/2024

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