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Going well so far. Got opportunity to meet and share ... [Résolu]

Going well so far. Got opportunity to meet and share thoughts with international facilities and students. The overall course structure is not that diverse as expected and the planning also brings difficulty for students who are doing part time.

Par Sachin Arackal il y a 3 mois
Date d'expérience le 29/01/2024


Thank you for your feedback. 

Our community is one of our strengths, and we believe it greatly enriches the learning experience for everyone involved, so we really appreciate your feedback on that. 

We recognize your concerns about the diversity of the course structure and the difficulties encountered by part-time students. However, our objective is to provide a curriculum that is thorough yet adaptable, designed to meet the diverse requirements and aspirations of our students.

Have a nice day !

College de Paris’team

Par College de Paris International College de Paris International il y a 3 mois

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