I was absent. I gather that things went well. Why ...
I was absent. I gather that things went well. Why do you force me to post an opinion now, before I have seen the work personally? I would need at least photographs, no? I have not received the "facture" as PDF by e-mail, as indicated in my case, since nearly everything has been done by e-amil and PDF. Please send me the "facture aquittee" by e-mail so that I can ensure that its date is the same as the date of install, which I have put in this "activation" as the date of the "facture" in the absence of the actual document. I would be happy to emend this review to reflect the viewed quality of the work and the fact that I have received the "facture aquittee" when that is the case. To force people to do a review to "activate" the guarantee is ridiculous. That is marketing nonsense, not customer care. I found and chose your company, and took no other devis. Mr Astorri was excellent and personable (in both French and excellent English), but now this automatically generated forced gesture from me is abusive and ham-fisted on your part, and your forcing a review ("obligatoire") for the "activation" is, I believe, illegal. Ask your lawyers. At the very least it is offensive. So, you have forced me, and that is my review until I can emend it in due course, which, as I said, I shall be happy to do.
Hello, we can assure you that of course you don't have to post a review to activate the guarantee. Maybe there has been a technical problem, but we have re-tested the process it seems to be correct. Please could you send us your contact details by email atsc@tryba.fr in order to further investigations ? You might have received the invoice by now. Our apologies for the misunderstanding, kind regards, the Customers Relationship Service.